
What is Ego? It is the worst enemy of a person itself. Ego needs honors to be validated. It is a sense of superiority. If we are egoistic, no matter what we achieve, we will always feel nothing. In the presence of ego, Self-confidence becomes Arrogance, Assertiveness becomes obstinate and Self-assurance becomes Reckless abandon. Ego is self-anointed and stolen and also blocks the scope of self-improvement. It kills what we love, sometimes it even kills us! 3 Harsh realities! We are not nearly as good or as important as you think we are. You have an attitude that needs to be adjusted. Most of the things that you have learned are out of date. 3 Common symptoms of ego! When we have craving for public attention. When we start buring truths in the ground. It wants us to think, I am s...